I've been to a Hustings and listened to all the candidates make their case.
First, we must remember that, nowadays, unless the subject is specialised, like the economy or law and order, national TV and radio want to talk to the Party Leader. Therefore the Leader needs to be someone the public will have an opinion about; agree or disagree with. For that, he needs to capture their attention.
Tim Congdon is untouchable in matters of the economy. He will be great as a spokesman with that kind of in-depth knowledge. Yes, he has gravitas but, sorry, coming on like a lecturer is NOT going to get people's attention.
David Campbell Bannerman, a man who likes the nitty gritty of policymaking, may charm some people but, (and this is not just my opinion) he sounds as if he is reading the telephone directory.
Winston McKenzie has a style all his own but, with the best will in the world, he has not been in the Party long and is not going to get the long-time membership onside, even those who've ever heard of him.
Frankly, only Nigel has a delivery that keeps you listening to what he is saying and not finding your attention wandering after a couple of minutes. The public know him, even non UKIP people say the only time Question Time is worth watching is when he is on the panel.
One thing that I believe Nigel has learned now, is that UKIP must grow and be structured. No more "wing and a prayer" (no pun intended) one man-show. He has the big fundraisers behind him and some very professional people in his team (as, of course, do the others). Young Independence members - enthusiastic young people, many with useful talents, who will grow with UKIP - are backing him. They know what is needed to bring in their peers.
Nigel has been there from the start, tireless and enthusiastic - yes, you might say bombastic too - but he has never publicly criticised people in the Party, whatever went on behind the scenes, even in the face of a hostile press goading him. Everything I ever heard about disunity in UKIP has come from public statements made by others who dislike him. Well, I always say you aren't a success until somebody calls you a bastard.
UKIP is the only place in politics for anyone who hates the EU.
It is NOT the only place if your aim, more than anything else, is to be a cabinet minister - face it, it ain't gonna happen. The EU won't let you and, even if you suck up shamelessly to the Conservatives, neither will they.
I didn't vote for Nigel when he was made Leader last time but, since then, I've come to admire him more every year, having seen our Party, and respect for it, grow exponentially.
One thing is for sure, even if he isn't elected, he won't be throwing his toys out of the pram and deserting us.
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