They don’t want to hear it. Fingers in the ears "lalalala"
Why? Because you are telling them to give up their security blanket.
It’s all very well to pander to people’s feelings about the EU; their vague sense that “it shouldn’t be allowed”.
There are politicians, like Dan Hannan, who do that. They lull people into thinking that, because someone like him agrees with them, something will be done.
No it won’t. Nothing will be done; not whilst people like him refuse to take the ultimate step and walk away from their OWN security blankets.
We must PROVE to the voters that their security blankets are toxic. Once they understand that the reassurance they derive from their old party is the very thing that is poisoning them, they will realise for themselves that the only antidote is UKIP .
To do this, we must use the same methods as our enemy. However, the drip feed, as used by the EU, is too slow. We don’t have the fifty years they had - the patient is dying NOW.
My prescription is a daily dose of facts.
You know how that dental plaque highlighter works? Showing where the toothbrush missed? The information we spread will show up where the three parties have covered up and dissembled. Soon everything they’ve said will be shown up for the weasel words and downright lies that they are.
If you let them do this now to your fridge or TV, it only takes a few words added to the regulation to ensure that you won’t be able to buy a vacuum cleaner that will pick up a bread crumb, let alone your dog’s hairs. Remember lightbulbs? You didn’t believe THAT would happen, did you?
The members and activists of UKIP need the information. UKIP has a press office. Unfortunately the media don’t like to publish our press releases – that’s why we activists must use alternatives.
I use Facebook ,some use Twitter, others blog or write letters. Every single one of us has a way to impart information to at least one section of the public.
The EU - and, by extension, the Westminster/Welsh/Scottish/NI Assembly- interferes in some part of our lives every day. We MUST publicise every one of those nose-pokes. If something sounds like a good idea, we should remind people that our own sovereign government in Westminster – if we had one again – could do the same thing but in a way which suits the UK, not 27 other countries, AND without us having to pay £48million a day for them to come up with it.
UKIP has researchers and resources. The activists are the carers. Give us the information – we will make sure the patient gets his daily dose.
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