Friday, 1 October 2010

Utter, Utter Madness

This was Harriet's  proudest moment.  Her towering achievement, her legacy. But don't think she thought it all up with her very own little brain cell. Oh no.
Remember that quaint little old British doctrine "no Parliament may bind its successors"?
Yes, they knocked that one on the head with the Lisbon precedent, didn't they?
But then, weren't we all asked by our chums, Dave & Nick, which laws we'd like removed?
Remember how they then said "can't, won't" to everything the public suggested?
Didn't you wonder why? (Oh alright, we Ukippers didn't need to ask why)
Well there are horses, you see, ( this particular one is call Harman - so-called because it's by  Harriet out of Herman ) -  horses that have bolted and can't be put back in the stables, let alone sent to the knackers yard.
So now, instead of good, worthwhile, commercially viable companies being able to contribute to growth and a solid economy, they will often be forced to pay lawyers to keep the tribunals in work.
You think I'm exaggerating the dangers? Just look at the payouts by the Armed Forces for hurt feelings..

This explains it better than I can  ---

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